Memory Foam Neck Support Pillow
Suitable for all sleeping positions: No matter what position you like to sleep on; your side, back, or stomach. The Neck Support Pillow For Neck Pain adapts individually to each movement and position, and gently absorbs and maintains the correct position of the head.
Correct position of the spine and neck: Due to its extreme softness and shape which automatically shifts according to your sleeping position, the memory foam pillow gently holds the head and helps keep the spine straight, which affects our entire body and the healthy functioning thereof.
Support your preferred sleeping position and reduces strain on your neck and spine. A memory foam pillow can also help to alleviate the burden on the pressure points in your neck and head, further helping to reduce pain.
Keep your neck in the correct alignment with your chest and lower back to prevent strain on your spine whilst you sleep.
Made from synthetic materials that are naturally hypoallergenic. This means they prevent bacteria, mold, dust mites, and fungus from growing. As memory foam pillows prevent these nasties from building up, it offers a safer and more hygienic choice for your family’s well-being.
Keep your head and neck aligned with the spine, allowing the airways to remain open and in turn reducing snoring.
Relieving Stress & Anxiety
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